Hello 2012! Thank goodness for DVR because I have been so busy I have not had time to catch up on all my shows...I've actually started to forget what shows I watch and when they are really on, I just watch what's in the recorded section.
Currently catching up SNL from this past weekend. Daniel Radcliffe is hosting and he's doing a great job. After the weekend I heard Lana Del Ray got a lot of flack for a bad performance so I need to see this for myself. Last week I downloaded some of her songs from her EP and I love Video Games. I remember when Taylor Swift first started out and she wasn't that great live, but all the flack made her work extremely hard at it and now she sounds amazing live. Taylor sang her song with The Civil Wars last week for the first time live and wow was it amazing!
This past weekend GymJam had its first meet down in Orange County at Team OC. My best friend's new house is 6 miles away from where the meet was so I got to stay another weekend with her. That makes 3 in a row and every weekend of 2012...we joke that I'm their weekend roommate. 2012 is off to a great start, lots of fun, and keeping my resolutions so far. Eating healthy, check. Working out regularly, check. Working hard at work, check. Taking more pictures, check! Making dreams come true, check ;)
SNL you are not letting me down so far!